Our Care Team
Head Veterinary Technician
Jeanette has been a part of the veterinary world for several years. In that time, she has learned a great deal and takes pride in being a very compassionate animal lover. Jeanette is our Head Veterinary Technician and takes care of training our newer staff members
Veterinary Assistant
While relatively new to being a vet assistant, Mars is no stranger to working with animals, having explored many different fields of animal care, including boarding, grooming, rescue, and even animal education. Mars especially loves working with exotics, including three pet snakes at home.
Veterinary Assistant
Selina has been a vet assistant for several years. In the past, she volunteered in her local 4-H. Her favorite project was working with sheep. During her spare time, Selina likes to read, write, draw, and play video games. An education junky in general, Selina especially loves learning about weird animals and insects.
Karen came to Alpha Veterinary Center with nearly a decade of reception experience. Professionally, she enjoys greeting patients and owners when they arrive for their appointments. Karen also enjoys learning about veterinary care and assisting the team when needed. Outside of work, Karen has been married for over 35 years and has two children, two dogs, and four grandpets.
Melissa’s family includes a dog named Fozzy Bear, two cats named Alfredo and Spanky, as well as two teenage boys along with her husband. She works Full Time at University of Maryland and her hobbies include going to the beach, watching her children play sports, animals, and shopping.
Veterinary Assistant
A former Air Force veteran from CA, Maureen is a bit of a jack of all trades. She’s done everything from housecleaning to caring for the elderly to being a seasonal scare actor. Her biggest passions are music, singing, and animals. She currently sings in a couple of choral groups, including the Anne Arundel Community College choir. If she had to pick her favorite animal, it would be cats, and tacos are her go-to food.
Veterinary Assistant
A lifelong animal lover, Lauren began working on a farm at a very young age. She is currently studying at the University of Maryland College Park as an Animal Science major with hopes of entering vet school upon graduation. At work, Lauren loves seeing big dogs, spicy cats, and pocket pets. In her free time, she enjoys doing volunteer work and pet sitting.
Veterinary Assistant
Julia has loved animals her whole life and always knew she wanted to pursue a career with them. Upon graduating from Animal Behavioral College, Julia became a certified dog groomer. She joined Alpha Veterinary Center as a groomer but has since decided to change career paths and is currently training to become a veterinary assistant.
Office Reps
The office representatives at Alpha Veterinary Center take their role very seriously. Izzy, our senior rep, appreciates butt-scratches while managing the office. With his one eyeball, Broozer oversees the staff and ensures they are always prepared for a lap session. Hunter takes her duties of protecting everyone from the mailman VERY seriously. Joey, the behind-the-scenes cat, can usually be lured out from his desk drawer for the right price—a bunch of yummy snacks! And Angelique is always ready to help everyone get their daily dose of exercise.